Monday, February 10, 2014

8. write 15 interesting fact about yourself


8. Write 15 Interesting Fact About Yourself

1.    My name is Norhidayah Binti Saksim and called by Gadie, Apple, or just Hidayah.

2.    Even i'm already 2* years old, but people keep mistaking me as 16 years old school girl. Wkwkkw ( perasan uda )

3.    I can eat anything. Kecuali yang memang dah termaktub dalam peraturan xboleh makan.

4.    I cry over an anime. Peliks? Sebab anime xnampak fake sangat berbanding pelakon zaman sekarang. Hoho adakah patut bangun tidur ja dah lawa. Tetiba ada makeup. LOL. Xda la. Sebenarnya anime neh. Dia mwujudkan benda yang tak tercapai akal dan emosinya lebih mendalam.

5.    I always smile. LOL. That not really interesting.

6.    I'm a nurse.

7.    I love kit kat and white coffee. So, please give me some. Hihi

8.    Soup is my fav. N cheese cake. Again. This is not interesting. LOL I have no idea what is interesting about me.

9.    I'm not interesting at all. That what interesting about me. Maybe. Haha

10.   Tenth? Lol. What aa? Oh i can survive walaupun kena hantar p hutan. Hihi. Survival instinct saya sangat good.

11.    Saya orang dusun Ranau. Is this count as interesting? I think there is over thousand people "dusun ranau" wujud dalam dunia neh. Haha sebab saya dah xda idea.

12.   I get bored easily. Even getting bored is bored. Booring.~.~

13.   I can make rain. With my singing voice. Ajaib? Hehe

14.   I dance. My cat just stare at me while im dancing. She ( cat ) maybe think im doing some alien ritual. Kuang3.

15.   Last! Yeah. Thank god. This entry sangat membosankan. Saya suka mengarut dalam alam maya. So what?


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