Jika harus membuat pilihan
Jika ada perkara yang merubah hidup
Berhentilah sejenak
Recall from the past
Intai masa depan
Mungkinkah ada yang kita terlupa
Mungkinkah ada tersalah tafsir
Mereka bertanya dan terus bertanya
They would never be satisfied
Answer by answer i gave
And now i almost give up
Sometimes their question make me down
Sometimes make me want to surrender
Sometimes make my heart weak
But most of the question make me stronger
That what we called
Onak dan ranjau kehidupan
Sometimes i think i wanna leave
Sometimes i think i don't mean to be here
And that sometimes very hurt
I wanna leave this world peacefully
I wanna leave this place
I wanna stay where nobody would questioning me
I wanna some peace
Tapi mereka tak faham
Aku sendiri tak faham
What should i do?
What am i thinking?
Where should i go?
To the left?
Where's nothing right
To the right?
Where's nothing left?
Right or left
It's all up to me to decide
One wrong decision can make us suffer
Can make one self loses her smile
Can force herself into the deep of sorrow
I am now?
Who am i?
What are the purpose me still living here
Im not saying im not happy
Im not saying im happy
I just dont know what anymore
I realized..
This were just a mere test
I've been far away for too long
It's time for me to go back
Kembali ke mana?
Kembali kepada fitrah
Ya Allah,
Engkau tak akan memberi ujian selain kemampuan ku
Engkau tak akan mengambil jika tiada pengganti
Engkau yg maha mengetahui
Jika ini yg terbaik untuk aku, org sekelilingku, dan agamaku.
Aku redha
Jika ini bukan yg terbaik maka jauhkanlah
Aku mohon kepadamu.
Tabahkanlah hati ini.
Amin ya Rabb alamin.