Memandangkan dah
lama tak menaip. So malam ni sayan akan berusaha untuk merepek
bersunguh-sungguh. Cuma tak tahu apa yang petut dimerepekkan. Ahaa. Apa kaa. Sot
suda. Cuti 2 bulan ni buat otak kurang berfungsi dengan betul. Xda peningkatan
diri cuma berat makin meningkat menikut carta lemak secara jayanya. Haha. Kadang
saya merasa i should go. But i don’t know where. Dengan malaysia yang huru-hara
[-“SYUKURLAH MALAYSIA MASIH AMAN-. Barang makin mahal duit makin kecik. Huu.
Nampak barang hati gatal nak beli. Last-last terpaksa lupakan niat. Ngeh. Xpa la.
Biar susah sekrang jangan susah nanti. Xda duit sebab memuaskan nafsu shopping.
Haha. Kan bagus kalau ada orang yang bijak pandai dan berani menggulingkan
kerajaan semasa. Tp pihak lain pn lebih kurang. Bukan pemerintahan telus. Ah malas
la cakpa pasal ni. Xpasal-pasal saya pullak gila.. Heheg
This world is in chaos
War has begun
This world has come to the end.
Are we ready or are we not?
We saw them on news.
Being emo is not helping at all
Updating fb status not making world any
Saying that you want to fight with them
I say ' we are not strong as they are'
Our strength our imaan has big
differences just like
Between the sky and the earth
I've been ask my friend
Are you dare
Are you willing to fight a war like that
Some say yes
Some say no
Same say don't know
I would say " i would like to, but
am i strong enough"
I only can pray for them,
But if i can go there, i wouldn't
hesitate to go
I really want them to feel that we are
with them
At least im with them
It is so heartbroken seeing them
Maybe they just suffering physically
Maybe they happy in the inside
Losing friend and family like that
Im not strong enough to face something
like that
I just can pray.