Friday, September 30, 2011
gambar ini tak patut ada !!
masa tengah bosan. i jalan-jalan dekat tumblr. tiba-tiba jumpa gambar neh.
ngeri dok? aduhai.. ngilu rasa bila nampak gambar ni.
lain kali jangan letek gambar macam neh dekat tumblr. lepas tuh tag "funny".
benda asing suka tumbuh dekat badan saya?

Okay! Can I tell about my kisah SEDIH? Bukannya sedih sangat. Just agak mengerikan.
satu hari yang damai. saya sedang tabah melakukan kerja-kerja hok mulia dekat wad ( masih student nurse) entah bagaiman tiba-tiba tangan ini terseliuh. so , i pergi SOPD untuk berjumpa sang doctor.
Bla.. bla.. bla.. ( menceritakan apa yang terjadi)
bla.. bla.. bla.. ( dia bising-bising)
Lepas tuh dia bagi 3jenis ubat
.( DICLOFENIC SODIUM-tahan sakit, BETAMETHASONE- gatal-gatal, METHYL SiLiCATE-untuk urut-urut.)
Hairan ya? Tangan saya terseliuh dia bagi ubat gatal-gatal. Ish3 encik.doktor. anda sangat lucu. *geleng-geleng kepala.
Then saya complain about something abnormal tumbuh dekat paha saya. Encik.doktor pun cek la...
“oh, saya rasa ini lipoma”
Err. What? Sy tak ingat pun lipoma tuh apa ( sem3 dulu ada belajar^^)
“HAH?! “ buat-buat terkejut. (padahal nak tau lipoma tuh menatang apa)
“lipoma ni fat cell yang abnormal, kalau nak buka kena buat surgery”
Again. “HAH?!” ( betul-betul terkejut)
“Tak boleh buat I&D ( incision anda drainage) jak ka dok?”
“I&D just untuk keluarkan nanah. Kalau lipoma neh kena masuk OT”
( OT=operation theater @ bilik bedah)
“saya boleh refer kamu dengan surgical” sambung c Encik.doktor.
Muka blur “ ala boleh , nanti jak ka dok? Saya takut bah mau masuk OT” terbayang-bayang suasana d OT.
“ala nak takut apa? Setakat dia buat lubang bagi keluar benda tuh. Cuma hantaran la kurang sikit bila dah ada parut” amboi. Sempat melawak lagi beliau ini..
“Hihi. Ala bukan kena tau pun. D paha juga pun^^” diriku menenangkan hati yang gundah,
(perbualan yang lain adalah P&C) hihi
Bla.. bla.. bla.. bla.. ( bincang-bincang dengan c doctor)
“ok take your time. Nanti isnin U datang balik. Sebab isnin klinik Surgical”
“okaylah dok. Thanks kay^^”
Kembali ke wad.
OMG!! Sangat menakutkan!! Ada benda asing dalam badan saya. Saya akhirnya mengambil keputusan saya buat surgery tuh bulan12 nanti. Time semester break nanti. Aduhai. Xdapat balik kampung la nampaknya ni. Terpaksa berkampung dekat wad ja la ni T.T * SAD amat.
Ini baru satu kisah sedih.
Saya ada polyp ( satu lagi jenis ketumbuhan)
So, taknak cerita banyak. Polyp ini lagi menakutkan dari Lipoma. Dan polypdectomy itu SANGAT NGERI sebab saya pernah menyaksikan procedure itu dibuat. Aww terasa sakitnya T.T
Saya akan menjalani 2 pembedahan bulan12 ini. T.T
kisah dongeng saja

Ku sedar ku tak seberapa
Jika dibanding mereka
Yang jauh lebih megah dari diri ini
Apa yang mampu ku berhias
Hanyalah hati yang ikhlas
Terpendam simpan untuk dia yang sudi
Mencintai aku dengan seadanya
Mencintai aku bukan kerana rupa
Dalam waktu sedu
Dalam waktu hiba
Ku harapkan dia rela
Mencintai aku dengan seadanya
Sanggup menerima insan tak sempurna
Atau mungkin cinta sebegitu hanya
Kisah dongeng saja
Belum pernah ku merasakan
Dipeluk dalam dakapan
Eratnya melindungi jiwa rapuh ini
Sanubariku memerlukan
Kehadiran seorang teman
Tulus mencurah kasih sepenuh hati
Mencintai aku dengan seadanya
Mencintai aku bukan kerana rupa
Dalam waktu sedu
Dalam waktu hiba
Ku harapkan dia rela
Mencintai aku dengan seadanya
Sanggup menerima insan tak sempurna
Atau mungkin cinta sebegitu hanya
Kisah dongeng saja
WARNING!! Ini entry EMO
Speak about EMO again. E.M.O “emotional memory ofMe”. Baru tadi saya bertekad untuk menjauhkan diri dari dia. Tapi tiba-tiba dia keep me with him. Mean? Dia tiba-tiba rajin call awal pagi dan nonstop texting with me. I cannot resist you laa. Alahai.
Hari ini :
-saya telah makan banyak sebanyak-banyaknya kat pizza. Lepas ni saya start DIET again.
-FYaI( for you all info) – my berat naik 3KG. from 47 to 50. OMG! *TEKANAN melampau-lampau. Baru jak time puasa tuh turun 9kg. T.T
-KBOXing sepuas-puas hati saya. Lepas ni xnak enjoy-enjoy lagi. STUDY MAUT for final.
-Somebody ask for a phone number ( abg pizza) , I gave it. THE WRONG NUMBER. Hahaha! Saya KEJAM!!
- Berjaya menjual HP CSL saya dengan harga RM65. Harga asal RM85.
- My mum tiba-tiba bank in duit. *HAPPY^^
- missing him. *blushing
Mana satu ejaaan yg betul ? ( agak NOOB dalam bahasa. In language pun NOOB juga) haha.
Selamat malam? Jam menunjukkan 8.37p.m..
Thursday, September 29, 2011
giving up!
warning! ini entry EMO. Macam tajuk entry “GIVING UP” , I am now giving up on you.
Dear, this one for you. Hope you read it.
Dear, saya tau saya bukan siapa-siapa pun dalam hidup kau kan.?
I know that already. Even kau cakap kau sayang saya (dan saya sayang kau juga), but I don’t know why lately, I don’t feel happy when I am with you. Then I realize that YOU NOT THE ONE. Maybe saya agak kejam bila mengatakan ini. Saya sedar saya hanya sayang kau JUST AS A FRIEND. Not more than that. Maybe kau juga keliru tentang sayang kau dengan saya. Sebab kita always together ( in phone) hahaha..
Dan ketika saya menaip entry ini, saya telah kuatkan tekad untuk menjauhkan jarak kita buat sementara waktu. Harap hati saya setabah itu. (kuz saya pandai rindu kau juga kadang-kadang) eh ALWAYS. Hihi. That why I need to do this. I don’t want our relationship be more than a friend. Not yet. Kalau kau sanggup, kau tunggu la 4,5tahun lagi. Apmcm? Sanggup?
Saya sangat melalut.
Dear friend,
Jangan hairan kalau xda text or call from me in a while.
Just so you know, I will really2 miss you.
Now? I miss you too. daisuke aishite.
Alamak! Jam 3.10 pagi. Saya tidur dulu. Selamat malam dunia.^^
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
the real freaking truth about DiGi

VERY SHOCKING Very Shocking....... .
This is a real story of a young college girl who passed away last month in Shah Alam. ...
Her name was Priya. She was hit by a truck. She was working in a call center.
She had a boy friend named Shankar. Both of them were true lovers. They always talked on the phone. You would never find her without handphone. In fact she also changed her cell connection from Maxis to Digi , so that both of them can be on the same network, and save on the cost. She used to spend half of the day talking with shankar.
Priya's family knew about their relationship. . Shankar was very close to Priya's family as well. (Just imagine their love)
Before she passed away she always told her friends 'If I pass away please burn me with my handphone' she also said the same thing to her parents.
After her death, people could'nt carry her body, A lot of them tried to do so,but still can't. Everybody had tried to carry the body, the results were the same. Eventually, they called a person known to one of their neighbours, who can speak with the soul of dead person and who was a friend of her father. He took a stick and started speaking to himself slowly..
After a few minutes, he said 'this girl misses something here.'
Then her friends told that person about her intentions to burn her with her phone. He then opened the grave box and place her phone and sim card inside the casket. After that they tried to carry the body. It was then moved easily and they then carried her into the van.
All of us were shocked. Priya's parents did not inform Shankar that Priya had passed away.. After 2 weeks Shankar called Priya's mom..... Shankar :.....
'Aunty, I'm coming home today.. Cook something nice for me. Don't tell Priya that I'm coming home today, I wanna surprise her.'
Her mother replied..... 'You come home first, I wanna tell you something very important.'
After he came, they told him the truth about Priya. Shankar thinks that they were playing a fool.
He was laughing and said 'don't try to fool me - tell Priya to come out, i have a gift for her. Please stop this nonsense'.
Then they show him the original death certificate to him. They gave him proof to make him believe. (Shankar started to sweat) He said...
'Its not true.. We spoke yesterday.. She still calls me. Shankar was shaking.
Suddenly, Shankar's phone rang.. 'see this is from Priya, see this....' he showed the phone to priya's family. all of them told him to answer. he talked using the loudspeaker mode..
All of them heard his conversation. Loud and clear, no cross lines, no humming. It is the actual voice of Priya & there is no way others could use her sim card since it is nailed inside the grave box , They were so shocked and asked for the same person's (who can speak with the soul of dead person) help again. He brought his master to solve this matter. He & his master worked for 5 hours.
Then they discovered one thing which really shocked them....
Digi has the best coverage 'Where ever you go, our network follows!!!'
Don't shout at me . . . hihi. it's just a JOKE..
Sunday, September 25, 2011
saya suka MOC( monster of clothing) punya baju
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

sedih yang tak pernah berhenti
letih terus kau sakiti
perasaan ini kau bodohi
* dimana dirimu yang mencintai
aku sepenuh hati
aku yang akan pergi
bila kau enggan memilih
cintaku ini bukan seperti
tempat persinggahanmu
perasaan ini kau bodohi
repeat reff [3x]
Monday, September 19, 2011
sangat bertuah
okok.. assalammualaikum..
siapa mau cabar neh?? sila bermain di speedtest hihi. saya jumpa benda neh dekat belog kawan c IDAH..
pernah main FB "how lucky are you today"? ok nak show off neh. kemarin dapat 100%. padahal just a game. hehe. okay la.
i tried again today. got only 94%. lucky ma juga kan ^^
harap2 exam nanti pun lucky juga walaupun saya agak malas untuk membaca buku-buku-nota-nota dan dota. ehh? opss...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
agak kecewa #2

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
tutorial pakai pashmina cara simple #2